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Women’s History Spotlight: Jana Brown

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we sat down with some of the team members of MGO to hear how the challenges they have faced as women have motivated them to serve as inspirations for the next generation. MGO: Tell us your name, where you are from and currently live, department and title, fun fact about yourself: Jana Brown: Jana Brown, Assurance Associate, I am from Sacramento, still live there, and work at the Sacramento office. Fun fact about myself: my family has a dog named after Rafael Nadal, because they are both very fast. MGO: Who is the most influential woman to you? How does she inspire you? Brown: My mom is the most inspirational woman I know. She’s always very put together and on top of things, friendly, generous, and hard-working. She inspires me every day to be the best version of myself. MGO: Who is your favorite female historical figure? What do you admire about her? Brown: Dolores Huerta is one of my favorite female historical figures. She is a Mexican-American civil rights leader who co-founded the National Farmworkers Association (which later became United Farm Workers) with Cesar Chavez, and has been an activist for civil rights for workers, immigrants, and women since the 1950s. She is an inspiration to me and many other women for her many accomplishments for civil rights in both California and the wider United States. MGO: What are some of the biggest challenges that women face today? How will these change in the next 20 years? Brown: Women are often expected to take on more emotional labor than men, especially at home. It is my hope that as gender disparities such as these are recognized and talked about, emotional labor will become more equitably distributed in households between men and women. MGO: If you could give any advice to the next generation of women in history, what would it be? Brown: Find and make use of your natural talents, build your self-confidence to carry yourself through life, and support other women.



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