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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Sanjana Bhargava

To celebrate Women's History Month, we sat down with some of the women of MGO to hear how the challenges they have faced as women have motivated them to serve as inspirations for the next generation. MGO: Tell us your name, where you are from and currently live, department and title, fun fact about yourself: Sanjana Bhargava: Sanjana Bhargava. I was born in Nigeria, spent my childhood there, moved to Mumbai, India, studied for a few years, and then moved to London to complete my education and ACCA. There, I worked for few years before I got married and moved to Gurgaon, India. This basically makes me an Indian with a UK passport born in Nigeria. I lead the Finance and Operations team for MGO India as a manager. Fun fact - I have a dry sense of humor, making it tough for people to understand my jokes. If they don't, I make sure to explain it to them and share a hearty laugh. MGO: Who is the most influential woman to you? How does she inspire you? Bhargava: The most influential woman to me is my mother-in-law. She has always treated me like her daughter and made sure I never miss my home while I am away from home. MGO: Who is your favorite female historical figure? What do you admire about her? Bhargava: My favorite female historical figure is Kalpana Chawla. Space has always interested me, and I admire the fact that she was the first Indian female to go up there. It is unfortunate that she passed away in an accident while returning to earth, but her contribution to space science is mind blowing. MGO: Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation you can share to motivate other women? Bhargava: "Do what your heart desires." I believe a woman sacrifices a lot throughout her life. I'm also passionate about self-love and always ask women to do what their heart desires instead of constantly making sacrifices. MGO: What are some of the biggest challenges that women face today? How will these change in the next 20 years? Bhargava: One of the biggest challenges that women face even today is discrimination. In 20 years, I am sure that this scenario will change, because of two reasons: a. the new generation of women have exposure to it and are becoming more career oriented; b. companies are putting in a lot of effort to end discrimination and are reducing subjective methods of having someone at a certain position. MGO: If you could give any advice to the next generation of women in history, what would it be? Bhargava: To find passion in your work and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. The biggest leaps I've taken in my career, though intimidating at the time, have inspired me to take on more.



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