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Women’s History Month Spotlight: Mona Wong

To celebrate Women's History Month, we sat down with some of the women of MGO to hear how the challenges they have faced as women have motivated them to serve as inspirations for the next generation. MGO: Tell us your name, where you are from and currently live, department and title, fun fact about yourself: Mona Wong: Mona Wong, from Hong Kong and currently live in Danville with my husband, two kids and two dogs – Murphy and Cooper. I’m the executive assistant to Kevin O’Connell, our firm’s CEO & Managing Partner. Fun fact – I learned to cook during COVID. MGO: Who is the most influential woman to you? How does she inspire you? Wong: My friend, Donna B. who inspired me to be my most authentic self. MGO: Who is your favorite female historical figure? What do you admire about her? Wong: Madeleine Albright, first female US Secretary of State. I admire her intelligence, common sense, and her work as an author - Fascism: A Warning – poignant today. MGO: Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation you can share to motivate other women? Wong: One day at a time MGO: What are some of the biggest challenges that women face today? How will these change in the next 20 years? Wong: Balancing career & motherhood. Hybrid workplace and technology makes it possible to balance the two. MGO: If you could give any advice to the next generation of women in history, what would it be? Wong: Lead with empathy.

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