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Lifestyle Tips for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Part Two


The MGO Entertainment, Sports and Media practice is providing this series of “Lifestyle Tips” to help individuals and families in self-isolation pass the time safely, responsibly, and maybe have a little fun as well.

To combat the spread of COVID-19, a growing number of cities, counties, and even states, in the U.S. have issued variations of “Stay at Home” orders. These decrees are aimed at limiting the number and size of groups of individuals meeting and interacting: a prime agent for the spread of COVID-19.

It is important to note, at this point, that these decrees are in no way meant to limit personal freedoms or indicate we are living in a “police state.” Across the globe, communities that have effectively curbed the virus’ spread have done so through extreme social distancing policies. Staying “safe at home” is the best way everyday folks – those not fighting the virus in the frontlines, like doctors and nurses – can do their part in halting the spread of COVID-19.

While the details vary from locale to locale, and order to order, the overall point is to cancel all non-essential outdoor activities. We recommend double-checking with local guidelines to confirm, but following are a couple points to keep in mind.

No matter what: keep your distance

While the specifications of what you can and cannot do vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, there are two consistent directives:

  • Keep a distance of at least six feet from other people when not safe at home
  • Do not engage in group activities outside the home

If you keep to those two rules, you, your loved ones, and your community will be safer.

Essential businesses remain open

Throughout the U.S., any business providing “essential services” remains open, likely with altered operating hours. Therefore employees of said businesses can, and should, freely commute to their place of employment. What has been deemed “essential” depends on your area, but typically include:

  • Grocery stores
  • Restaurants providing take-out or delivery services
  • Healthcare institutions, like hospitals and urgent care centers
  • Drug stores/pharmacies (and cannabis dispensaries in many places)

Are you allowed to go outside?

Yes, certainly. “Stay at Home” orders are not as drastic as a “Shelter in Place” or lockdown measures. You can leave the house to perform essential functions, which can include:

  • Picking up groceries
  • Picking up take-out food orders
  • Providing care to a loved one

What about going outside for “fun”?

In many circumstances this is not only allowed, but recommended. The majority of “Safe at Home” orders have specific provisions that consider certain activities “essential”, including:

  • Going for a walk
  • Taking pets out
  • Going for a bike ride
  • Engaging in other forms of outdoor exercise

It is important to note that in all of the allowed activities above, the same restrictions must be followed. Specifically, everyone should maintain a distance of at least six feet from anyone they encounter, and there should be no gathering in groups.

At this time, getting some outdoor time and exercise will be essential to maintaining both mental and physical health as we, as a society, do our best to overcome these unprecedented circumstances.

Rules by state

Again, please check with your local city or state guidelines as to what is permitted in your area, and please everyone: stay safe, stay in, and stay smart. We can beat this working together.

Below are links to the specific guidelines issued by some city and state governments:

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Lifestyle COVID-19 Entertainment, Sports and Media

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