Q&A with Rising New York City Cannabis Company Happy Munkey

This article is part of a series spotlighting honorees of the Cannabis 50, our annual list of individuals, organizations, entertainers, and others who made a positive impact on the cannabis industry in the past year. View previous articles articles in the series here. 

Recently honored in the Cannabis 50, our annual list of businesses, individuals, and trends making a positive impact on the cannabis industry, Happy Munkey is redefining cannabis culture in New York City with legendary events and multimedia platforms like the Happy Munkey Podcast and Munkey Magazine.

What began as a private lounge has evolved into a legal dispensary, with founders Ramon Reyes and Vladimir Bautista marking a significant milestone this year by opening flagship locations in Brooklyn and Upper Manhattan. These spaces reflect their mission to blend art, advocacy, and community, while championing diversity and inclusion to ensure cannabis legalization uplifts those once marginalized by prohibition.

We recently talked with Happy Munkey marketing director Joe Pearce about topics ranging from rescheduling to innovation and what’s next for the company and the market in the coming years. Here are some excerpts from that conversation …

What are your thoughts on rescheduling and how it will impact your business in the near term?

Having two CAURD licensed dispensaries in New York currently operating, we’re glad to see the state of New York rolling out an equitable program. As far as rescheduling on a federal level is concerned, we’d love to see other states roll out a similar program — and would like the opportunity to work with out-of-state suppliers and brands. If rescheduling would allow us to advertise on more platforms and accept easier payment methods, that would be a huge plus.

Are you planning international expansion in the next three years?

We’re just getting our feet on the ground in NYC — our brand and story is built around this city — so we’d probably focus on opening more regional locations in the coming years.

What new innovations, trends, and products are you tracking and using/intend to use in your business?

From a consumer standpoint, some New York brands are really pushing out high quality and innovative products that are resonating with local customers and out-of-state visitors alike. From the marketing side, we’re finding a lot of vendors who offer solutions such as gift cards, compliant messaging, and out-of-home advertising opportunities.

Please share your predictions for capital markets in 2025.   

Inflation and possible stagflation [slow growth, high unemployment, and rising prices] are on a lot of people’s minds. The technology sector will continue to grow rapidly.

Learn more about Happy Munkey and their locations, products, and services at happymunkey.com.

Check Out the Full 6th Annual Cannabis 50 List Now

See what other movers and shakers, up-and-comers, and culture shapers were honored alongside Happy Munkey for their contributions to the cannabis industry over the past year. Download the Cannabis 50 list here.
